Live better with Parkinson's

Some people write poems or songs for their loved ones. I built a phone app for my husband after he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, hoping to help him and myself, as his caregiver to slow down the progression of his symptoms.

Many people with Parkinson's disease and their families can relate to the experience of receiving a devastating diagnosis from a doctor. We were told that my husband had five years before he would need assistance with mobility. He was prescribed various medications and told to come back the following year for higher doses.

The experience was brutal, and it made us angry. We decided to learn more and see if there was anything we could do to slow down the progression of his symptoms. Over the next few years, we delved into scientific research, consulted with neuroscientists, neurologists, nutritionists, and physiotherapists, and most importantly, spoke with other people who have Parkinson's disease. We discovered a wealth of knowledge beyond simply taking medication. There is substantial evidence coming from scientific research demonstrating that it is possible to stay in control of the symptoms and significantly slow down the progression of the disease. While gaining knowledge, we also gained optimism that there is a way to slow down the progression of symptoms. There are people with Parkinson’s who have managed to succeed and stay physically and mentally fit after 20+ years with the disease. They have accomplished this through the right mix of exercise regimen, diet, meditation, and medication. Additionally, the right mindset, mental health, and a healthy social life play a significant role. That's where the idea for Daily Routie, which eventually became PD Buddy, came from.

Every person with Parkinson's is unique and requires a tailored approach, but there are common components that are worth exploring for everyone, such as supplements, physical and brain exercises, diet changes, journaling symptoms to adjust therapies, and social connections. Consistency and dedication are necessary to undertake these tasks and see results in slowing down symptom progression. That's where the idea for PD Buddy Daily Routine came from - my husband needed a tool to help him stay on top of his routines, learn, keep track of his medication, favourite exercises, notes and observations, and connect with other people with Parkinson's disease.

I've been working in the technology sector for over 20 years, so building PD Buddy was right up my alley! I poured over 380 research papers and interviewed dozens of researchers to come up with the idea. But please bear with me, this is just the start! I've only been working on the app for a few months, and we're still experimenting and adding features. So, please be patient while I keep improving the tool. Huge thanks to all of you who took the time for user experience sessions and gave feedback to help me make the app better. Stay tuned, keep up with your self-care routines, and please keep sharing your feedback and ideas! Love, Beatrice